We understand our clients are busy with their new home purchase. Sometimes clients take the time to recommend our services and rate us on Google or Home Advisor. These special people are entered into a year end drawing as a way to say thank you!
Melissa was one of those special people and has recommended our 11 month warranty inspection services to many of her neighbors resulting in some huge savings for her friends and neighbors.
Don't think you need a Home Inspector for your newly built home? Do you think your city inspector catches everything? If you don't have your builder fix the items you paid them to install correctly the first time, you will be on the hook to repair the items when you go to sell your home!
Here is a list of items discovered in Melissa's neighborhood:
43 windows or doors in need of replacement
4 electric service panels with improper wiring
12 water heaters with improper seismic straps
12 water heaters with improper Temperature Pressure Relief Valve installations
Over 90 damaged and torn shingles in need of replacement
24 improperly sealed siding penetrations
11 homes with poor insulation installation
9 homes with missing insulation
22 water pipes in the attic missing insulation
4 improper safety pans installed under the air handler
9 poorly operating air conditioning systems
8 B-vent flue pipes from the water heater or furnace in contact with a combustable material (fire hazard)
4 poorly supported B-vent pipes from the furnace or water heater
1 kitchen range hood not hard piped to the exterior damper (fire hazard)
13 improperly installed exterior flashings
4 electric service panels with improper wiring
12 water heaters with improper seismic straps
12 water heaters with improper Temperature Pressure Relief Valve installations
Over 90 damaged and torn shingles in need of replacement
24 improperly sealed siding penetrations
11 homes with poor insulation installation
9 homes with missing insulation
22 water pipes in the attic missing insulation
4 improper safety pans installed under the air handler
9 poorly operating air conditioning systems
8 B-vent flue pipes from the water heater or furnace in contact with a combustable material (fire hazard)
4 poorly supported B-vent pipes from the furnace or water heater
1 kitchen range hood not hard piped to the exterior damper (fire hazard)
13 improperly installed exterior flashings